Your Digital Transformation Partner
Redbrick transacts billions in loan amount every year
Redbrick CRM
An automated loan calculator and CRM development for leads with document management
Redbrick CRM

Redbrick CRM development

Redbrick is a mortgage specialist that transacts billions in loan amount every year with thousands of enquiries. To manage a huge influx of enquiry, Redbrick needed to transform from traditional manual method to digital storage of documents with a CRM that keep tracks of all enquiries, directed to individual advisors for follow up. Halcyon Media developed & customised a CRM with automated loan calculator and leads generation with document management for each individual enquiry ; starting from lead generation to sales closure


Web screen shots

From lead generation, front end to backend, we cover it all

Happier customers

Happier customers

With a full CRM in place, Redbrick advisors are able to provide accurate, better digital services to customers.

Documents and information are kept properly and secure in place with ease of retrieval at the advisors fingertips.